20 min show
Story about lucky fish and clumsy fisherman. It's funny clowning show that will make you laugh heartily, dive you into fun and play. Interactiv show for the kids from 3+ years old.
10 min show
Comercial show for your happanings private party, festivals etc.
15 min show
The aim of the play 'The Cage' is to provide an unforgettable experience to the audience through an artistic experience that will inspire a deep reflection on the universal themes of human suffering, the struggle for freedom and accepting their own identity.
You can book my show and have awsome expiriance and share my artistica idea with more people.
About me
Dušan Đukić (Drulooze) is a Montenegrian artist known for his captivating work that seamlessly blends circus art into modern theatar. Creating a connection with the audience and encouraging them to reflect on various emotional and social statuses involves designing an immersive and thought-provoking experience.
Goal: "The aim of the play 'The Cage' is to provide an unforgettable experience to the audience through an artistic experience that will inspire
a deep reflection on the universal themes of human suffering, the struggle for freedom and
accepting their own identity. The mission of this show includes:
Raising awareness of Internal Struggles: We want the public to become aware and empathetic towards the internal struggles of individuals,
especially those arising from depression and pressures of society.
Breaking the Stigma aroundMental Health: We focus on destigmatizing mental challenges, demonstrating the courage and strength of the individual
who is facing depression. We want to encourage dialogue about mental health.
Creative ExpressionThrough Art: Integration of different artistic expressions (acting, dance, acrobatics, zoning)
it represents our commitment to creative expression and providing unique
visual experience.
Achieving Emotional Connection: We want the play to cause strong emotional reactions in the audience, connecting them with the character and themes of the play, and encouraging them
reflection on one's own experiences and inner challenges.
Encouraging Diversity and Inclusivity: Through authenticity of finding solutions in similar situations in everyone
we invite the audience to appreciate diversity and support inclusive
Cilj:"Cilj predstave 'Kavez' je pružitinezaboravno iskustvo publici kroz umjetnički doživljaj koji će pdstaknuti
duboko razmišljanje o univerzalnim temama ljudske patnje, borbe za slobodom i
prihvatanja vlastitog identiteta. Misija ove predstave obuhvata:Podizanje Svesti oUnutarnjim Borbama: Želimo dapublika postane svjesna i empatična prema unutarašnjim borbama pojedinaca,
posebno onima koje proizlaze iz depresije i pritisaka društva.Rušenje Stigme okoMentalnog Zdravlja: Fokusiramose na destigmatizaciju mentalnih izazova, pokazujući hrabrost i snagu pojedinca
koji se suočava s depresijom. Želimo pdstaknutii dijalog o mentalnom zdravlju.Kreativno IzražavanjeKroz Umjetnost: Integracijarazličitih umjetničkih izraza (gluma, ples, akrobatika, zongliranje)
predstavlja našu posvećenost kreativnom izražavanju i pružanju jedinstvenog
vizuelnog iskustva.Postizanje EmotivnePovezanosti: Želimo da predstava izazove snažne emotivnereakcije kod publike, povezujući ih sa likom i temama predstave, te podstičući
refleksiju o vlastitim iskustvima i unutarašnjim izazovima.PodsticanjeRaznolikosti i Inkluzivnosti:Kroz autentičnost pronalaženja rešenja u sličnim situacijama kod svakog
pojedinca, pozivamo publiku da cijeni raznolikost i podržava inkluzivno
društvo.Get in Touch